Here are my quick-picks for the Winnipeg Fringe this year. I'll be posting reviews of things I see, so check back :)
African Folktales with Erik de Waal - Kids Venue
- This is a kids show, but by no means is it kids-only. Erik deWaal is from South Africa, and travels to the fest each year. He is one of the most amazing physical storytellers i have EVER seen in my life. Sarah loves him so much she has his cd and listens to it at home regularly.
The Apiarist - Venue #5, Son of Warehouse
- I am invested in this one personally, as it is written, directed and performed by two dear friends of mine who are immensely talented. AND it is about beekeeping.
The Brain From Planet X - Venue #16, PTE Mainstage
- I helped out with this zany show as the choreographer for the tap dances, and a couple other numbers. It is HILARIOUS and i don't put that label mildly. Imagine a 50s leave it to beaver perfect american family who meet up with two aliens and their leader, a giant brain, who want to take over america. Very "fringe"
Etoile - Kids Venue
- this is my pick for best kids show this year. If you have little ones, you should go!! It follows the life of a little girl who seeks fame, and learns its price.
Hedwig and the Angry Itch - Venue #13, Pyramid
- I have been trying to see this crazy rock show for a few years now and have failed. I vow to see it.
It's YES: A one-man mockery of all things human - Venue #4, Manitoba Museum
- Spoken word, criticism of humanity....what more does one need? If you were around MEME festival and saw the dude with the fish puppet...this is him!!
Master Orloff & Madame Clodille's Penny Arcade Freakshow Beautifique or The Illusionary Box - Venue #15, Studio Incarnate
- I was part of Theatre Incarnate's last project, and have always been a fan of their work. You will see something unique, challenging, and intellectual...and probably just outside your comfort zone. And you'll LOVE it.
African Folktales with Erik de Waal - Kids Venue
- This is a kids show, but by no means is it kids-only. Erik deWaal is from South Africa, and travels to the fest each year. He is one of the most amazing physical storytellers i have EVER seen in my life. Sarah loves him so much she has his cd and listens to it at home regularly.
The Apiarist - Venue #5, Son of Warehouse
- I am invested in this one personally, as it is written, directed and performed by two dear friends of mine who are immensely talented. AND it is about beekeeping.
The Brain From Planet X - Venue #16, PTE Mainstage
- I helped out with this zany show as the choreographer for the tap dances, and a couple other numbers. It is HILARIOUS and i don't put that label mildly. Imagine a 50s leave it to beaver perfect american family who meet up with two aliens and their leader, a giant brain, who want to take over america. Very "fringe"

Etoile - Kids Venue
- this is my pick for best kids show this year. If you have little ones, you should go!! It follows the life of a little girl who seeks fame, and learns its price.
Hedwig and the Angry Itch - Venue #13, Pyramid
- I have been trying to see this crazy rock show for a few years now and have failed. I vow to see it.
It's YES: A one-man mockery of all things human - Venue #4, Manitoba Museum
- Spoken word, criticism of humanity....what more does one need? If you were around MEME festival and saw the dude with the fish puppet...this is him!!
Master Orloff & Madame Clodille's Penny Arcade Freakshow Beautifique or The Illusionary Box - Venue #15, Studio Incarnate
- I was part of Theatre Incarnate's last project, and have always been a fan of their work. You will see something unique, challenging, and intellectual...and probably just outside your comfort zone. And you'll LOVE it.