Remounted 25 years later, Complicité’s Mnemonic continues to resonate. While the dramatic conventions of the piece have been replicated and copied by countless artists and in numerous productions since, they still feel fresh here; indeed, it was notable that in some ways, theatrical innovation has (in the main) stalled since, continually replicating flexible spaces, overlapping scenes, projection and live video interaction.
It was fascinating to see McBurney (and the company’s) trademark movements and choices in this early work, although this could be rework.
Having not seen the original, only read about it, it is difficult to say just how much has been adapted and refreshed versus the original. Obviously references are altered, particularly at the opening of the play, referring to the performers in this production, and even to the caché of the original and the company.
All of that said, the opening moments — blindfolded, opening the audience’s emotional relationship to memory are so simple and powerful that they will never stop working theatrically.